Saturday, October 22, 2005

This is my nephew Daniel. Today, one of his primary jobs was to smash and package the aluminum cans we have collected over the months. He was motivated in the beginning, until he came across a form of caterpillar we call a "burning worm" which, when touched, emits some kind of toxin (as a defense mechanism) to ward off "would be predators". Daniel felt the sting, then the burn and was almost going into hysterics...but he finally began to calm down when I snapped this picture. Teaching a good work ethic is important and so whenever my family comes together...everyone has a job to do. Mom and I encouraged Daniel in his recycling endeavor since it is a job that has monetary gain attached to it...saying, "It's a good way to make some money Daniel, the more cans you take to recycle...the more money you will make, that's why you have to finish your job". Suddenly a pixy voice chimed was my neice Velvet saying; "that's what the man is supposed to do, huh Aunty Lynn?" Thinking that she meant that men are supposed to work hard at their jobs (but I figured I'd ask just in case) I said; "what's that Velvet?" She replied "A man is supposed to get the money!" Whoo hoo! ...a classic comment in pure Velvet fashion. Priceless!


Anonymous said...

NO, he's just suppose to do the hard work and the woman collects the money.

Lynn said...

Ahhh YES...words of wisdom from the anonymous commentor. lol.

Anonymous said...

Whos that girls mom? Has she told her that! LOL